Our Priorities and Progress
This page of our website provides links and further information on our work, priorities and performance which is primarily focused around the Police and Crime Plan.
Police and Crime Plan
The PCC is required to publish a Police and Crime Plan for the duration of their term of office. The Plan sets out the key strategic objectives and priorities for policing and wider community safety and criminal justice outcomes in Dorset. The PCC works closely with partners, and holds the Chief Constable to account, for delivery against the Plan.
Whilst the Plan is valid for the full term of office of the PCC, it has been agreed locally to review and update the Plan on an annual basis. These documents are available from the OPCC upon request.
Police and Crime Plan 2021-2029
Independent Audit Committee
The statutory Financial Management Code of Practice (FMCP) required that an audit committee was established independent of both the Police Force and the Police and Crime Commissioner. The Chief Constables and Police and Crime Commissioners of Devon and Cornwall and Dorset have created a single Independent Audit Committee to advise them.
The Independent Audit Committee generally provides comments, advice and assurance on matters relating to the internal control environment of the Force and the OPCC. It has oversight of general governance matters and will provide comments on any new or proposed PCC policies and strategies or changes to existing relevant policies and strategies which in the opinion of the Chief Financial Officers are significant with regards to finanical risk and probity. For further information about the Independent Audit Committee, click here.
Annual Reports
The PCC is also required to publish an Annual Report for each financial year to review and report on progress in delivering the Police and Crime Plan objectives, and on how the Commissioner has fulfilled his statutory duties.
- Annual Report 2022/23
- Annual Report 2021/22
- Annual Report 2020/21
- Annual Report 2019/20
- Annual Report 2018/19
- Annual Report 2017/18
- Annual Report 2016/17
- Annual Report 2015/16
- Annual Report 2014/15
- Annual Report 2013/14
Performance of the PCC
As a directly elected official, the Police and Crime Commissioner is ultimately accountable to the public at the ballot box every four years for how they have performed during their term of office.
The Dorset Police and Crime Panel has also been established to examine the actions and decisions of the PCC and to ensure that relevant information is made available to the public so that they can effectively hold the PCC to account.
The Panel meets quarterly and receives reports and progress updates from the PCC at each of their meetings – primarily through Quarterly Performance Reports which are also available via the following link:
Dorset Police and Crime Panel - Committee Minutes, Agenda Items and Reports including Quarterly Performance Reports.
Reports by HMICFRS and other external inspectors and auditors
His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) independently assesses police forces and policing activity in the public interest - ranging from neighbourhood teams, through serious crime, to the fight against terrorism.
Links to relevant HMICFRS inspection reports can be accessed below, along with the relevant PCC response to the Home Secretary which is a statutory requirement. Inspection reports can be a mixture of national thematic and/or police force specific findings: Click here to view HMICFRS reports and our response
Reports relating to internal audit, external audit and internal financial controls are available in the Independent Audit Committee (IAC) section of our website.
Statistical Information provided to the PCC
Where statistical information is provided to the PCC, details will be published here as appropriate.
There are also a number of publicly available sources of data and information about policing, crime, community safety and criminal justice that you may be interested in, including:
- POLICE.UK - for neighbourhood level crime maps; police performance; and information and advice.
- Office for National Statistics (ONS) - for statistics relating to crime, criminal justice, offenders and the police.
- Crime Survey for England & Wales - measuring the extent of crime in England and Wales by asking people whether they have experienced any crime in the past year.
- Home Office - statistics on hate crime, racist incidents, crime detection and crime against businesses.
- Ministry of Justice - statistics relating to the operation of the criminal and civil justice systems.
- HMICFRS - the independent policing inspectorate produces annual Police Effectiveness, Efficiency & Legitimacy (PEEL) Assessments; the Crime and Policing Comparator tool; and Value for Money profiles.
Privacy Impact Assessments
Privacy Impact Assessments (PIA) are a tool that can be used to identify and minimise the privacy risks of projects. In particular, a PIA can reduce the risk of harm to individuals through the misuse of personal information. It can also help in the design of more efficient and effective processes for handling personal data.
Any PIA’s used by the OPCC will be published here, either in full or summary format, as appropriate.