HMIC Inspection Reports
His Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire Rescue Service (HMICFRS) has developed the PEEL (police efficiency, effectiveness and legitimacy programme to evaluate police force performance in England and Wales, which assesses how well each force
- provides value for money (efficiency)
- cuts crime (effectiveness)
- provides a service that is fair and treats people properly (legitimacy)
Each of these themes is assessed annually and given one of five ratings:
- Outstanding
- Good
- Adequate
- Requires improvement, or
- Inadequate
The aim of PEEL inspections is to allow the public to see clearly how their local force performs. The latest HMICFRS police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy (PEEL) report on Dorset can be found on the link below to their website.
HMICFRS publishes the results of its PEEL assessments in a user-friendly format, making it easy for the public to enquire about their own force.
Click here to access the HMICFRS page specific to Dorset Police.
Links to all relevant HMIC inspection reports published since the PCC was first elected, along with formal responses to the Home Secretary where appropriate:
HMICFRS Report: Inspection into activism and impartiality in policing
HMICFRS Report: Stalking Super Complaint Report
HMICFRS Report: Progress to introduce a national operating model for rape and other serious sexual offences investigations
HMICFRS Report: State of Policing Report
HMICFRS Report: Inspection Visit to Police Custody Suites across Dorset 2023
HMICFRS Report :Response to Dorset Police National Child Protection Post-Inspectorate Review
HMICFRS Report: Response to Dorset Police PEEL 2021/2022
HMICFRS Final Report: Police response to violence against women and girls
HMIC - Spotlight Report - A Review of Fraud: Time to Choose
HMICFRS - Inspection of the National Crime Agency's Crime Reduction (Investigating Offences Relating to Organised Crime) Function
Policing Inspection Programme and Framework 2021/22: for consultation
Roads Policing: Not optional - An inspection of roads policing in England and Wales
Crime Data Integrity inspection 2020 (July 2020)
The Hard Yards - police to police collaboration (July 2020)
A call for help - Police contact management through call handling and control rooms in 2018/19 (July 2020)
National Child Protection Inspections 2019
Evidence led domestic abuse prosecutions (January 2020)
Both sides of the coin: An inspection of how the police and National Crime Agency consider vulnerable people who are both victims and offenders in 'county lines' drug offending (January 2020)
Cyber: Keep the light on - an inspection of the police response to cyber dependent crime (October 2019)
Shining a light on betrayal: Abuse of position for a sexual purpose - PEEL legitimacy spotlight report (September 2019)
PEEL: Police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy 2018/19 - Dorset Police (September 2019)
Leading Lights: An inspection of the police service's arrangements for the selection and development of chief officers (September 2019)
The poor relation: The police and Crown Prosecution Service's response to crimes against older people (July 2019)
Fraud: time to choose - an inspection of the police response to fraud (April 2019)
Policing and mental health: Picking up the pieces (November 2018)
Understanding the difference: the initial police response to hate crime (July 2018)
Joint targeted area inspection of the multi-agency response to child sexual exploitation, children associated with gangs and at risk of exploitation and children missing from home, care or education in Dorset (July 2018)
Growing up neglected: a multi-agency approach to older children (July 2018)
Planes, drones and helicopters: an independent study of police air support (November 2017)
Dorset - 2017 Value for money profile (November 2017)
Report to the Independent Audit Committee (IAC)
A progress report on the police response to domestic abuse (November 2017)
State of Policing - The Annual Assessment of Policing in England and Wales 2017
PEEL Police Effectiveness 2017
PEEL Police Leadership 2017
PEEL Police Efficiency 2017
PEEL Police Legitimacy 2017
Abuse of position for a sexual purpose (October 2017)
Abuse of position assessment - Dorset Police (October 2017)
Stolen freedom: the policing response to modern slavery and human trafficking (October 2017)
The multi-agency response to children living with domestic abuse (September 2017)
Living in fear - the police and CPS response to harassment and stalking (July 2017)
State of Policing: The Annual Assessment of Policing in England and Wales 2016
PEEL Police Efficiency 2016
'Time to Listen' - a joined up response to child sexual exploitation and missing children (September 2016)
Dorset - Joint Inspection of police custody (September 2016)
Tri-Service review of the Joint Emergency Services Interoperability Principles (April 2016)
Missing Children: Who cares? The police response to missing and absent children (March 2016)
State of Policing: The Annual Assessment of Policing in England and Wales 2015
PEEL police effectiveness - Dorset Police (February 2016)
PEEL legitimacy - Dorset Police (February 2016)
PEEL effectiveness 2015 (Vulnerability) - Dorset Police (December 2015)
PEEL efficiency 2015 (October 2015)
Increasingly everyone's business: A progress report on the police response to domestic abuse (December 2015)
The depths of dishonour: Hidden voices and shameful crimes - An inspection of the police response to honour based violence, forced marriage and female genital mutilation (December 2015)
Regional Organised Crime Units (December 2015)
Dorset - 2015 Value for money profile (November 2015)
Report to the Joint Independent Audit Committee
Witness for the prosecution: Identifying victim and witness vulnerability in criminal case files – Dorset Police (November 2015)
Targeting the Risk: An inspection of the efficiency and effectiveness of firearms licensing in police forces in England and Wales (September 2015)
Online and on the edge: real risks in a virtual world (July 2015)
In harm's way: the role of the police in keeping children safe (July 2015)
Building the picture: an inspection of police information management (July 2015)
Stop and search powers 2: are the police using them effectively and fairly? (March 2015)
The welfare of vulnerable people in police custody (March 2015)
Crime inspection (November 2014)
Police integrity and corruption (November 2014)
Crime Recording: Making the victim count (November 2014)
Crime data integrity (November 2014)
An inspection of undercover policing in England and Wales (October 2014)
Core Business: An inspection into crime prevention, police attendance and the use of police time (September 2014)
Policing in Austerity: Meeting the Challenge (July 2014)
The Strategic Policing Requirement: An inspection of the arrangements that police forces have in place to meet the Strategic Policing Requirement (June 2014)
Everyone’s Business: Improving the police response to domestic abuse (2014)
Dorset - Response to the funding challenge (July 2013)
Policing in Austerity: Rising to the Challenge (July 2013)
Stop and Search Powers: Are the police using them effectively and fairly? (July 2013)
A Criminal Use of Police Cells? The use of police custody as a place of safety to people with mental health needs (June 2013)
Stop the Drift 2 - A continuing focus on 21st Century Criminal Justice (June 2013)
Anti-Social Behaviour – Personal, Situational and Incidental Vulnerabilities to ASB Harm: A follow-up study (April 2013)
Living in a Different World: Joint review of disability hate crime (March 2013)
Mistakes were Made: HMIC’s review into allegations and intelligence material concerning Jimmy Savile between 1964 and 2012 (March 2013)
Dorset - revisiting police relationships: progress report (December 2012)
Revisiting Police Relationships: Progress report (December 2012)