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What we spend and how we spend it

On this page you can access financial information relating to our projected and actual income and expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit.

Budget, Accounts and Expenditure

Annual accounts for both the PCC and Chief Constable can be viewed via the links below.

Historical police accounts are available via the archived Dorset Police Authority website. 

Information relating to our annual investment strategy can be found within the reports under the Audit section of our website here.   

Spending over £500

To view monthly lists of items of expenditure over £500 made by Dorset Police and/or the OPCC please visit the Expenditure over £500 page here.



We are required to publish information on contracts to which the PCC or the Chief Constable is, or is to be, a party.

All formal contracts carried out by Dorset Police on behalf of the Police and Crime Commissioner are registered on the National Contracts Database here 

Contract data is also available via Contracts Finder - GOV.UK (

If the information you are seeking is not available on this platform, you can request further information relating to contracts and grants directly from the OPCC by e-mail:


Invitations to Tender

Tender opportunities may be viewed on the Emergency Services Tendering System 'Bluelight' here.   This is a dynamic system that is continually updated with tender opportunities allowing organisations to register within specific areas of interest and receive email notification of new tender opportunities including those from other emergency services.  

Instructions for 'Bluelight'

  • To view tenders, click on 'New Opportunities' 
  • Under 'Organisation' on the form that appears, select "Dorset Police" and click on "Search" to view current tender opportunities.  
  • Or, tick the "All Opportunities" box and click on "Search" to see present and future opportunities. 

Tenders are also advertised on Contract Finder here  or on TED (Tenders Electronic Daily)  Tenders Electronic Daily

Launched in April 2012, the Southwest Police Procurement Services (SWPPS) undertakes strategic sourcing for Avon & Somerset, Devon & Cornwall Police, Dorset, Gloucestershire and Wiltshire Police Forces where the collaborative value of the contract is greater than £50,000.

PCC Salary, Expenses and Allowances

The Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset is paid an annual salary of £73,300 as at 1 March 2024.

Levels of PCC pay were set by the Home Secretary following recommendations put forward in a report by the Review Body on Senior Salaries. A salary range has been put in place to reflect the differences in force weighting and policing challenges in each respective force area. Salaries are also aligned, but not equal to, chief constable salaries. 

As an elected official, the PCC is not subject to a formal contract of employment. However, since taking office, the following basic principles have been established:

  • Average hours worked per week: 48
  • Evening working: 4 per month
  • Weekend working: 1 per month
  • Annual leave: 4 weeks (plus time in lieu of evening and weekend working)

The Home Secretary's determination on police and crime commissioner expenses sets out the authorised allowances that may be reimbursed to PCC's in undertaking their role. These allowances include travel expenses, subsistence expenses and exceptional expenses reasonably incurred by a PCC in the exercise of the commissioner's functions.

Details of the expenses claimed by the Police and Crime Commissioner as he carries out his duties is updated regularly. 

Click here to view PCC expense details

Deputy PCC

The Police and Crime Commissioner does not have a Deputy PCC.  

OPCC Pay and Grading Structure

Information relating to the OPCC staff team, including job descriptions and salary bands/grades can be found on the OPCC Team section of our website.

Other Key Financial Documents

Use the links below to access the following additional information

Code of Corporate Governance Framework (Link to Policies and Procedures page of this website

Incorporating the Statement of Corporate Governance; Code of Corporate Governance; Scheme of Corporate Governance; Financial Regulations and Instructions; Contract Standing Orders; Scheme of Consent; and Scheme of Delegation.

Independent Audit Committee (IAC)

For meeting papers and reports relating to internal audit, external audit and other internal control measures.

Safer Dorset Fund Grants 

A list of projects commissioned utilising the Safer Dorset Fund Priority Commissioning Scheme.



Capital Programme

Commissioning Strategy

PCC Commissioning Strategy 2021-2029

Capital Strategy

Dorset PCC Capital Strategy 2024/25

Dorset PCC Capital Strategy 2023/24

Dorset PCC Capital Strategy 2022/23

Dorset PCC Capital Strategy 2021/22

Dorset PCC Capital Strategy 2020/21

Dorset PCC Capital Strategy 2019


Reserves Strategy 

Reserves Strategy 2024/28

Reserves Strategy 2023/27

Reserves Strategy 2022/23

Reserves Strategy 2021/22

Reserves Strategy 2019/20


Treasury Management

Treasury Management is the management of the PCC's cash flows, borrowing and investments, and the associated risks.  The PCC funds are exposed to financial risks including the loss of invested funds and the revenue effect of changing interest rates as well as ensuring that revenue cash flow is adequately planned and funding is available to meet capital expenditure plans.  The successful identification, monitoring and control of financial risk are therefore central to the PCC's prudent financial management.

Treasury Management Strategy 2024/28

Treasury Management Strategy 2023/27

Treasury Management Strategy 2022/23 

Treasury Management Strategy 2021/22

Treasury Management Strategy 2020/21 -Revised

Treasury Management Strategy 2019/2020 

Treasury Management Strategy 2018/2019 



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