Working relentlessly to tackle ASB in Dorset
“I feel much safer with the CCTV installed”. These words come directly from a Dorset resident whose community have benefitted from the Operation Relentless Community Fund. Over the past two rounds of the fund, I have seen the positive impact these projects can have on communities suffering from ASB. I have heard from numerous residents and organisations that they have seen a change in behaviour in their area and are feeling safer. I have also heard from numerous participants that if it wasn’t for the projects, they would be ‘getting up to no good’.
That’s why, this week, I am pleased to be able to announce the re-launch of the Operation Relentless Community Fund. The fund was set up in 2021 to support Dorset-based community groups and charities with initiatives and projects aimed at tackling Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) by taking appropriate action for their local area. ASB can have a hugely negative impact on communities and this fund is all about giving Dorset’s residents the power to come together and combat the issue in a way that suits their community.
Once again, grants are available to organisations for projects and initiatives that reduce ASB and/or increase the public feeling safer in areas disproportionately affected by ASB. Applications for £100 up to £5,000 for projects that address ASB issues in Dorset and have a local focus can be made to the fund.
There have previously been two rounds of funding, and 21 projects have received a total of over £77,000. Previously funded projects ranged from skateboarding sessions and gym membership to CCTV and undertaking community outreach work.
The Operation Relentless Community Fund and projects like it are just a small part of the commissioning work my office does. My office also administers the Fix the Future Community Fund, which offer grants to projects that add value to the community by facilitating youth development and providing young people with more positive life opportunities. They also commission services that help to ensure that victims receive the support and guidance they may need. Some of those services include Restorative Justice, Victim Services, STARS and Circles Southwest.
I hope this newsletter has given an insight into the work my office does in commissioning services and funds. Again, I would like to take this opportunity to invite organisations and community groups across Dorset to find out more about the Operation Relentless Community Fund and how it could provide the funds to help you tackle ASB in your community. Together, we can banish ASB and make our county safer for everyone