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Release: Working together to tackle ASB, violence, drugs and knife-related crime.

A couple of months ago, Bournemouth saw the launch of a ‘Town Team’. This group of partners including Dorset Police and BCP Council have come together to prevent crime and anti-social behaviour in Bournemouth Town Centre and today (29th September) the ‘Town Team’ will be out and about on the streets of Bournemouth during the evening and overnight to highlight to the public the work they are doing each and every weekend.

Dorset Police, with the full support of BCP Council, are currently running operations ‘Fireglow’ and ‘Nightjar,’ focussing on tackling ASB, violence, drugs and knife-related crime. The team have not only increased the number of joint patrols to give reassurance to the public, they have engaged with shop owners and staff and the wider community encourage reporting crime.

The Police and Crime Commissioner was there to meet the officers and staff of the ‘Town Team’ on Friday and commented “I am pleased to see the ‘Town Team’ being so visible in the community. Residents and visitors have said that they want to see officers out on patrol and feel safer in their community and this is what the team provides. The capability they have to pool resources, share information and intelligence and put in place symbiotic working practices for the benefit of the community as a whole, is exactly what’s needed.”

“I know that people also want action taken on serious issues such as ASB, drugs and knife crime. I have listened to what’s been said and I made a promise to take action and today, I am really pleased to be able to say that I have managed to fund knife wands (portable metal detectors) for every police car in the county.”

“The wands will enable officers to carry out searches more effectively and less intrusively – getting knives off our streets and enabling the police to deal with those who think it’s acceptable to carry them. I am also working out with Dorset Police how we can introduce a knife arch to help even further in the fight against knife-crime. I am absolutely determined to help Dorset Police tackle knife-related criminality, and these proactive steps will I hope enable that to happen.”

“I want Dorset to be the safest county and I vow to work tirelessly to achieve that ambition.”


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