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Crimestoppers launch new Police Anti-Corruption and Abuse Reporting Service

Today, the independent charity Crimestoppers has launched a new Police Anti-Corruption and Abuse Reporting Service. This important service will enable the public to report information about corruption and abuse within policing. It provides a vital way for victims to anonymously report police staff, officers, and volunteers who could be abusing their position or taking advantage of their role.

In light of the distressing national stories of police perpetrated abuse and corruption which have been reported over the past few years, it is crucial a service like this exists. If we are to see true reform in policing standards and culture across the country, then honesty and transparency are essential. Without being open, police forces cannot expect an improvement in trust and confidence from the public.

I know reporting these awful behaviours can often be difficult and daunting for victims. That’s why this new service from Crimestoppers is so important as people will be able to pass on their concerns confidentially and won’t have to contact the Force directly. I hope this new service – which is online and telephone calls are free - will ensure victims feel more comfortable in coming forward so action can be taken. Putting victims first is a key pledge in my Police and Crime Plan, and I am committed to ensuring all victims can have their voices heard. This new service provides a vital alternative for people to report in confidence.

I want the people of Dorset to know that alongside the Force leadership, I remain resolutely committed to Dorset Police investigating any unethical or unacceptable behaviour within their ranks. My role as your Police and Crime Commissioner is to serve all the people of Dorset and within that, to hold the Chief Constable and Force to account. Corruption and abuse are not issues on which we can stand still. As I have stated before, the Force must be held up to the light of public scrutiny; it is the only way we can possibly seek to improve public confidence. Making it easier for people to report potential corrupt or abusive behaviour is just one important step in rooting out those who are not fit to serve.

David Sidwick

Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner


How to report to Crimestoppers service:

Contact the service by calling 0800 085 0000 or via Crimestoppers' website to provide information you have about a serving police officer, staff member or volunteer in the UK, who:  

  • Provides information or influence in return for money or favours. 
  • Uses their policing position for personal advantage - whether financial or otherwise. 
  • Crosses professional boundaries for sexual purposes. 
  • Abuses or controls their partner, or those they have a relationship with. 
  • Engages in racist, homophobic or misogynistic conduct, on or off duty, in person or online. 


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