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PCC Statement - Weymouth Protests

“Yesterday saw officers from Dorset Police and other forces attend two counter demonstrations in Weymouth where they formed a human barrier between opposing sides. That act alone, took great courage.

“I would like commend Dorset Police for their tenacity and fortitude in dealing with the situation, and thank those officers who stood shoulder to shoulder and kept the King’s peace.

“I note that the majority of people who attended the demonstrations behaved within the law and I would like to thank them for that. The police will continue to protect people’s lawful right to protest.

“The violent disorder and the types of criminal behaviour which has been seen in other areas of the country this week is despicable. I join fellow PCCs and police leaders, including those in areas which have been affected, in condemning it. There is no place in our society for such wanton acts of vandalism and mindless thuggery.

“From Dorset’s perspective the demonstration in Weymouth, in comparison to other areas was relatively peaceful, three arrests were made and two officers were injured. However, to have any officer injured in the lawful execution of their duty is wholly unacceptable and I hope that the full force of the law is brought to bear on the perpetrators.

“I will continue to speak with the Chief Constable and her executive over the coming days to ensure that they have every assistance available to them.”

David Sidwick

Police and Crime Commissioner for Dorset


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