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Precept – Why I must ask you for more

Asking you, the people of Dorset to contribute more towards policing our county is not a task I take lightly. Since I came to office, I have been relentlessly lobbying the government and campaigning for the police funding formula to be changed to give us a fair deal and ensure the people of Dorset have the police force they need and deserve.

This lobbying has seen some success. The work has been done; there exists a new funding formula which takes into account the factors we have been calling for – seasonality and sparsity – along with deprivation and other measures. But it has not been enacted, and desperately needs to be. It is now way beyond the time to bring this new funding formula into action. Currently, too many Forces – Dorset included – are at a disadvantage because of this antiquated situation and we all face making further difficult decisions as a result.

It is because of this frustrating situation that I must ask if you would be willing to contribute more, to ensure we can provide you with the service you need. Funding for police forces consists of the national grant from government and the police precept, the element raised through local council tax. Dorset receives the second lowest amount of police grant funding of any Force in England and Wales. Residents of this county contribute 52% towards Dorset Police’s funding, through their council tax, whereas the average in England and Wales is around 35% and in some cases as low as 20%. This year, the Government has set an increase limit of £14 for a Band D household on the policing part of the council tax precept, and their funding settlement assumes PCCs will raise the precept by this amount.

That’s why, while we wait for this exasperating funding disparity to be reformed, I need to appeal to you for your support. This is a difficult thing to do as I know many people are feeling the squeeze, but I have no alternative.

Despite these financial challenges, Dorset continues to be one of the safest places in the country. I am proud that in the past year crime has fallen and the Force is delivering more positive outcomes for victims, meaning more people are being kept safe. I am particularly pleased that anti-social behaviour is at its lowest level since 2007/08. This was a key priority in my Police and Crime Plan, and I am delighted that Force-led and PCC-supported operations including Op Track, Op Relentless and the 100 Days of Summer initiative are seeing some significant results for our communities.

The Force is answering the 999 calls faster than ever before, ensuring you get the service you need more quickly. And with 72 Community Contact Points now activated across our county, your neighbourhood officers are ready to talk to you face-to-face about issues where you live. I would urge you to take advantage of these – they are a great way to speak to your local officers and get advice or pass on intelligence about something you may be concerned about. Find out more here.

Operation Scorpion, a drugs operation which involves all five south west Police and Crime Commissioners, their respective police forces, the South West Regional Organised Crime Unit and other key partners including British Transport Police, has continued to robustly tackle the issue of drug dealing and county lines. In the past year, Dorset Police has seized thousands of pounds worth of drugs and cash along with removing dozens of weapons from the streets, safeguarded vulnerable people and made a significant number of arrests, shutting down high harm county lines. With more operations planned for 2025, Dorset Police will continue their efforts to protect communities from the harm drugs can have.

Another area I would like to highlight is the work the Force have been doing to tackle prolific shoplifting. Dorset’s Operation Shopkeeper has seen some very positive results, targeting high harm, repeat offenders who are responsible for the majority of shoplifting across the county. Since November 2023, the team have targeted 32 perpetrators, achieving 696 positive outcomes for victims. In October, the team achieved a 77% success rate, a significant figure in our fight against these harmful offences.

In the past year, my Office has worked with our partners to launch a number of initiatives with Safer Streets funding. Many of these were focused solely on tackling Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), a key priority under the Police and Crime Plan. Alongside these important projects and the work of the OPCC VAWG Scrutiny Panel, my Office also ran a VAWG conference, focused on keeping our children and young people safe. It cannot be overstated how vitally important tackling VAWG offences is, and I and the Force are committed to continuing this important work to ensure we make changes and improve the safety of all women and girls in Dorset.

I want to be clear, while there are budgetary pressures and difficult decisions will have to be taken, the Chief Constable and I will do our best to minimise the impact on our communities. I will continue to keep banging the drum and fighting for the funding we need to best serve this county.

Please fill in this survey and show your support for Dorset Police. It only takes a few minutes, and I thank you for taking the time. My fight to ensure Dorset remains one of the safest places in the country will determinedly continue on your behalf. A better funding deal is integral to that, and I will be relentless in my efforts to achieve this.

Take the survey here

David Sidwick

Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner

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