Receive Funding From Us
The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) recognise the value in working collaboratively alongside public, voluntary, and private sector organisations.
The OPCC comprises of a team of professionals, engaging and working with a variety of organisations and partnerships in a number of different ways.
We regularly receive requests for funding and are keen to encourage collaborative partnerships between the OPCC and charitable foundations.
Check out this helpful guide which provides further detail on how we could work together to prevent crime and make Dorset a safer place for everyone.
The guide includes:
- Valuable information on what Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) do and how to make contact.
- Helpful case studies and ideas on how we can effectively work together across a range of areas.
- A practical checklist for charitable foundations to consider when engaging with us.
Click the image to open guide
We hope this guide will be useful and provide helpful information on how we can work together.
Current Funding Opportunities
Round 4 of Op Relentless funding is now closed.