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Commissioned Projects 2023-24

The table below shows all the projects commissioned in 2023/24 financial year.

Commissioned Projects 2023/24
Initiative Funding Recipient Notes  Initiative Total 
Regional Re-Offending Co-ordinator  Avon and Somerset Police Collaborative funding with the South West Forces for a Re-offending Co-ordinator - To explore and co-ordinate regional collaborative working and ensure best practice £3,393.00
County Lines Programme AFC Bournemouth Supporting Youths involved or at risk of being involved in County Lines through a targeted programme run by AFC Bournemouth £10,000.00
Fraud Initiatives AGE UK Funding for Age UK to launch an initiative aimed at creating a safer environment for older people in Dorset, through education, support, collaboration with health services and sharing of key information £20,000.00
Drug & Alcohol Programme Talk about Trust Contribution to the Alcohol Education Trust to carry out drug and alcohol engagement events and education across Dorset £16,000.00
Complex Needs Hybrid Domestic Abuse Worker BCHA MOJ Sexual Violence and Domestic Abuse Fund
To provide an additional Domestic Abuse Worker, focusing on victims with complex needs 
Drug and Alcohol Intervention Programmes BCP Council Contribution towards Drug and Alcohol intervention Programmes run by BCP Council and Public Health Dorset.  £100,318.00
Combined Dorset Youth Justice Service BCP Council Core funding contribution for the provision of a Youth Justice Service £81,548.00
Boscombe Community Safety Accreditation Scheme BCP Council To provide council officers, accredited with certain police powers, to patrol Boscombe and provide a presence to deter criminal behaviour £10,000.00
Poole Community Safety Accreditation Scheme BCP Council To provide council officers, accredited with certain police powers, to patrol Poole Town Centre and the bus station provide a presence to deter criminal behaviour £25,000.00
Youth Justice  BCP Council Contribution to Council to provide clothing and equipment for young people for job interviews £1,000.00
West Cliff CCTV  BCP Council Home Office Safer Streets Fund
Funding to provide an enhanced network of CCTV in Westcliff area
Bournemouth, Christchurch and Poole Unity Promise BCP Council

Home Office Safer Streets Fund
Tackling Violence Against Woman and Girls (VAWG) by taking practical steps together to make our local area a great place, and to set a unified stance on their safety, 24/7. Empowering the community to play their part in creating positive and lasting change. Local organisations can sign up and commit to the principles of the unity promise. 


Fund for Business Improvement Districts (BIDS) BIDS Funding for initiatives aimed at reducing business crime and/or abuse against shop workers in BIDs £35,000.00
Circles of Support Circles Southwest Provision of a 121 educational programme for young people in trouble with school or the police due to their technology-assisted harmful sexual behaviour (TA-HSB) and provision of educational workshops for young people in schools and youth groups £43,360.00
6 months for Regional Manager Crimestoppers Contribution towards a Regional Manger for Crimestoppers £5,000.00
Stalking Awareness Video Devon and Cornwall Police Contribution towards stalking awareness video released by Devon and Cornwall Police evidencing how stalking can escalate - the video campaign provides some recognisable examples of stalking behaviours  £2,000.00
Biker down DocBike Funding for DocBike for the provision of essential first aid kits used at the scene of motorcycle crashes £3,000.00
Motorcycle Theft Initiative  DocBike Funding for the purchase of motorcycle locks which will be offered to Dorset motorcycle owners at a PCC subsidised rate via the Doc Bike Website £24,198.00
Weymouth Community Safety Accreditation Scheme Dorset Council To provide council officers, accredited with certain police powers, to patrol Weymouth Town Centre, Melcombe Regis and part of the Rodwell trail £20,000.00
Appropriate Adult Contract Dorset Council Contribution towards Pan-Dorset Appropriate Adult Contract - The role of an appropriate adult is to safeguard the rights, entitlements and welfare of children and vulnerable people suspected of a criminal offence £34,494.00
Sign Trial Dorset Council Funding for the provision of signage in North Dorset aimed at traffic control and management £4,575.00
CCTV & integration Dorset Council  Home Office Safer Streets Fund
Funding for CCTV and connectivity for various organisations into the Dorset Council Main CCTV Control Room 
Daytime Monitoring CCTV Dorset Council  Home Office Safer Streets Fund
Provision of extra personnel to allow for 24/7 monitoring within the Dorset Council Main CCTV Control Room
Self Assessment Tool Dorset Council  Home Office Safer Streets Fund
Self-assessment tool and package for Licensed Premises aimed at a preventing violence against women and girls. Licensed venues will complete the self-assessment, covering topics such as, VAWG, Drink Spiking, sexual violence etc. all aimed at a prevention approach
Pineapple Project  Dorset Council  Home Office Safer Streets Fund
Funding to expand the pineapple project aimed at preventing violence against women to Weymouth, Portland, Dorchester and Swanage. The project is an approach to keeping young women safe outside of the family home with information on women's safety being delivered within educational venues and at local events.
ID Scanners  Dorset Council  Home Office Safer Streets Fund
Purchase of ID scanners to be used at pubs and clubs in Weymouth Town centre
The Maple Project (formerly Independent Domestic Violence Advocate) Dorset Police MOJ Victims Services Fund
Amalgamated Independent Domestic Violence Advocate and police Domestic Abuse service providing a service to high risk victims of domestic abuse
Maple - Children and Young persons Independent Domestic Violence Advocate Dorset Police MOJ ISVA/IDVA Fund
Funding for an Independent Domestic Violence Advocate to provide dedicated support to young people
Safe Schools & Communities Team Dorset Police Contribution towards the Dorset Police Safe Schools & Communities Team £78,149.00
Electronic Tagging Dorset Police Provision of electronic tags for use by the Dorset Police Integrated Offender Management Team £31,440.00
2 x Domestic Abuse Advisors Dorset Police MOJ ISVA/IDVA Fund
To provide 2 additional Domestic Abuse Advisors to support high risk victims of domestic abuse
Additional Out of court Disposal Officer Dorset Police Home Office Immediate Justice Scheme
Additional Out of Court Disposal officer to assist with the facilitation of the Immediate Justice scheme
Dorset Police Fairy Tale Competition Dorset Police Contribution to Dorset Police for prizes for their Fairy Tale competition aimed at helping prevent people from falling victim to fraudsters £125.00
Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) Building Alterations Dorset Police Funding for building alterations to the SARC to meet new forensic standards.  £11,976.66
Auto Speed Watch Cameras Dorset Police Funding for 12 Auto Speed Watch cameras installed in areas across the county identified as hotspots for speeding £9,487.00
Knife Wands and Arches Dorset Police  Funding to provide Knife wands and arches for areas in Dorset, aimed at preventing knife crime £9,253.00
Clear Hold Build  Dorset Police  Contribution towards operational and communication costs relating to clear hold build £8,000.00
Youth Justice Dorset Trade Skills (DTS) Contribution to DTS to run a variety of education programmes for young people aimed at diverting them away from the Criminal Justice System £6,676.00
Drugs Conference Escapeline Contribution towards the cost of running a Drugs Conference in Dorset £2,347.00
Youth Justice Future Roots Contribution to Future Roots to run a variety of vocational programmes aimed at diverting young people from criminal behaviour  £14,400.00
Regional Policy Officer Role Gloucestershire Police Contribution to a regional post, co-funded by each of the regional PCCs, to explore collaboration and identify best practice £11,000.00
Heritage Watch Heritage England Contribution towards the provision of a Heritage watch scheme to prevent crimes against heritage £1,500.00
Lyme Regis CCTV Lyme Regis Parish Council Funding for Lyme Regis Parish Council to connect their CCTV to the Dorset Council Hub £16,200.00
Pattern Changing Recovery Programme for Male Survivors of Domestic Abuse Mankind MOJ Sexual Violence and Domestic Abuse Fund
Funding for a programme aimed at helping male survivors of domestic abuse
Fix the Future Projects Miscellaneous  Funding made available for community organisations across the County to deliver projects aimed a diverting young people away from criminal behaviour £51,824.34
Operation Relentless Miscellaneous  Funding made available for community organisations across the County to deliver projects aimed at preventing Anti-social behaviour £39,605.16
Pawsome Pensions National Foundation of Retired Service Animals  Contribution towards costs to support retired Dorset Police dogs £1,000.00
Community Sentence Treatment Requirements NHS England Contribution to year 1 of the Community Sentence Treatment Requirements scheme led by NHS England £25,000.00
The Shores (Sexual Assault Referral Centre) NHS England (G4S) MOJ Victims Services Fund
Contribution towards the contract for Sexual Assault Referral Centre (The Shores) in Dorset
The Shores (Sexual Assault Referral Centre) - Quality Manager  NHS England (G4S) MOJ Victims Services Fund
Funding for a Quality Manager at the Sexual Assault Referral Centre to manage the incoming new Forensic Science Regulator Standards
Learning Disability Advisors People First Forum Contribution to the provision of pan-Dorset enhanced Learning Disability Advisor service £21,949.00
Victims Bureau Police Contribution towards the Victim Bureau £127,762.00
Reparative Activities Red Snapper Managed Services Home Office Immediate Justice Scheme
Management and supervision of individuals undertaking reparative activity under the Immediate Justice scheme
Restorative Justice Restorative Solutions MOJ Victims Services Fund
Contract for the provision of a Restorative Justice service in Dorset who raise awareness, provide training and deliver Restorative services
Victim Engagement & Restorative Justice Restorative Solutions Home Office Immediate Justice Scheme
Funding for restorative solutions to engage with victims of crime and offer them a voice in the Immediate Justice process, also to offer community conferencing  and to offer an Anti Social Behaviour awareness course to perpetrators
Dorset Domestic Abuse Needs Assessment Safelives Commissioning of Safelives to undertake a Pan-Dorset review of domestic abuse  £25,200.00
Leaflets Soroptimists Contribution to leaflets providing information and support for women fleeing domestic abuse £4,500.00
Pilot Single Point of Contact STARS Home Office Safer Street Fund
Funding for a Sexual Outreach Worker at Bournemouth & Poole College 
Independent Sexual Violence Advisors STARS MOJ Victims Services Fund
Contract for the provision of Sexual Violence services in Dorset
Counselling of victims of Child Sexual Abuse STARS MOJ Victims Services Fund
Contribution to the enhanced delivery of specialist counselling to young victims of sexual abuse
Marginalised Communities Independent Sexual Violence Advisors STARS MOJ ISVA/IDVA Fund
Funding for an Independent Sexual Violence Advisor to provide dedicated support and outreach to marginalised communities
Specialist Children's Independent Sexual Violence Advisor STARS MOJ ISVA/IDVA Fund
Funding for a Children's Independent Sexual Violence Advisor to provide dedicated support and outreach to children
Adult Independent Sexual Violence Advisors STARS MOJ ISVA/IDVA Fund
Funding for an additional Independent Sexual Violence Advisor for adults
Older Persons Independent Sexual Violence Advisors STARS MOJ ISVA/IDVA Fund
Funding for an Independent Sexual Violence Advisor to provide dedicated support and outreach to older victims
Specialist counselling for victims of Sexual Violence STARS MOJ Sexual Violence and Domestic Abuse Fund
Funding to provide a package of specialist and targeted counselling for victims of Sexual Violence
Children and Young Person Independent Sexual Violence Advisor STARS MOJ ISVA/IDVA Fund
Funding for a Children's Independent Sexual Violence Advisor to provide dedicated support and outreach to children
Alcohol Consent Training STARS  Home Office Safer Streets Fund
Employ Consent Engagement Officers who provide guidance and education to 15-20 year olds in university settings, student accommodation blocks, town centres and other relevant community settings regarding alcohol and consent, bystander training and respectful relationships
Health Independent domestic violence adviser The You Trust MOJ ISVA/IDVA Fund
Funding for an Independent domestic violence adviser to provide dedicated support and outreach in Health settings
UK PAC Sentry/SIS UK PAC Funding to provide the IT Package Sentry/SIS to 200 businesses with the aim of preventing business crime £48,154.66
Victims Services Victim Support MOJ Victims Services Fund
Contract for services supporting victims of crime
Victim Services - Domestic Abuse Element Victim Support MOJ Victims Services Fund
Contract for services supporting victims of Domestic Abuse support
Full-time specialist Children and Young Person Specialist Domestic Abuse Early Intervention Practitioner (caseworker)  Victim Support MOJ Sexual Violence and Domestic Abuse Fund
Funding for a specialist Domestic Abuse Practitioner aimed at early intervention in cases involving young people
Specialist Domestic Violence Advisor Counsellor You Trust MOJ Sexual Violence and Domestic Abuse Fund
Funding for a specialist domestic violence advisor offering counselling services
Independent Stalking Advocate Caseworker You Trust Contract for an Independent Stalking Advocate Caseworker who provides practical and emotional support to individuals experiencing stalking. The ISAC works with Police and other agencies to identify victims and provide support and guidance.  £20,000.00

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