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Fix the Future Community Fund

The Grant Scheme has been established as a funding source for organisations to deliver projects and initiatives that meet one or more of the Police & Crime Plan priorities.

The PCC Grant Scheme is a financial resource provided by the Police & Crime Commissioner to support activities in Dorset that contribute to the delivery of the Police and Crime Plan 2021-2029.

The Plan concentrates on six key themes:

  1. Cut Crime and Antisocial Behaviour
  2. Make Policing More Visible and Connected
  3. Fight Violent Crime and High Harm
  4. Fight Rural Crime
  5. Put Victims and Communities First
  6. Make Every Penny Count


The Police & Crime Commissioner is delighted to launch the Fix the Future Fund for a second time. The fund is aimed at supporting projects and initiatives which contribute to or benefit young people in the Community. The projects/initiatives should add value to the community by facilitating youth development and providing young people with opportunities. The projects/initiatives should directly benefit and involve young people under the age of 18.

Applicants must demonstrate that they are looking to launch new initiatives or will deliver additionality to existing initiatives.

This fund is currently closed.


The fund is aimed at charitable and community-based organisations only.

  • Community Groups and Charitable Organisations.
  • Community Interest Companies.
  • Organisations that have previously been in receipt of PCC Funds providing the application is unrelated to the previous PCC-funded project.

Please Note: Any funding received through this process is to be ring-fenced and must not form a part of any profits.


  • Funding Applications should be made electronically and e-mailed to; however hard copies are available on the PCC website or on request.
  • Postal applications are available also, the address is provided on the application form.
    N.B. Please allow sufficient time for the application to arrive before the deadline.


Applications from £100 up to a maximum of £5,000 will be considered.


Organisations can request to deliver projects for a period of up to 12 months. The Funding Term is 01 January 2024 to 31 December 2024.


Decision making regarding all Grant applications will adhere to the following four principles:

(i)         Specificity: Initiatives must deliver outputs and outcomes relating to the purpose of the round.

(ii)        Deliverability: Projects employing either innovative or proven approaches which are likely to address and deliver the desired outcomes of the funding within the grant period.

(iii)       Working in partnership: Priority will be given to applications from consortia of providers or partnerships between VCSE sector and private / public sector partners. Projects involving co-production with other agencies and/or with users of the service, will also be prioritised.

(iv)       Sustainability: Priority will be given to initiatives that have clear exit plans for sustainability or are self-sustaining.


Projects and Initiatives that:

  • Address and deliver the desired outcome for the round.
  • Deliver a real, lasting difference to the area.
  • Has a local focus.
  • Can be delivered within the grant term.
  • Is a new initiative in the area.
  • Delivers additionality to existing initiative(s).
  • Involve and benefit people under the age of 18 years.
  • Projects that have an established or achievable referral route for beneficiaries.

Examples of the types of projects which could be funded

  • Diversionary activities – for young people on the periphery of crime or who have committed offences.
  • Youth clubs/group activities – New projects/groups, such as setting up a boxing club, free memberships to skate parks, Duke of Edinburgh award.
  • Theatre Based Productions (Amateur Dramatics) – Charities that work with young people in either in or outside of education to teach them about certain subjects (safety, drugs & alcohol).
  • Mentoring Schemes


Projects and Initiatives that:

  • Do not contribute to the purpose of the round
  • Do not provide new initiatives or additionality to existing initiatives
  • Are based or delivered outside of Dorset
  • Require ongoing funding
  • Ongoing staff costs (including salaries of permanent or fixed term staff)
  • Expenditure for an item or service that has already been ordered or paid for
  • Has already been funded from a different source
  • Items or services that will only benefit an individual
  • Initiatives that directly or indirectly bring profit to the organisation
  • Loan repayments, topping up of accounts or transferring money to another group
  • Fundraising activities for your organisation or others
  • Used vehicles/routine repairs and maintenance
  • Purchase of items that do not relate to the purpose of the round (i.e. playground equipment)
  • Projects that have been previously funded without any additionalities / changes - funding is for new projects / initiatives or new additionalities to previously funded projects


Applications will be assessed against the core principles of the fund and evaluated by an OPCC Grant Panel.

Applications that meet the principles will be short-listed and provided to the PCC for final approval.

Confirmation Required

Please tick to confirm you understand the requirements for an eligible project and are confident that your project fulfils these criteria.